First, we at Newman, Comley and Ruth want to thank our clients for their patience over these last several weeks as our physical office was closed and we moved to working remotely.
Second, we are excited to announce that we will be reopening our physical office beginning Monday, May 11th. In order to ensure the safety of our staff and clients, we will continue to encourage client meetings via video and telephone conference. For those that do visit our office, our attorneys and staff will be practicing social distancing, will not be shaking hands, and may be wearing face masks. In addition, visitors to the office may notice physical changes, such as limited seating in the waiting area and conference rooms and additional protection between our receptionist and the front door. We will also be regularly disinfecting surfaces throughout the office, including in the waiting area and conference rooms. These changes are for everyone’s safety.
We look forward to seeing each of you again in the near future.